田科,女,湖南益阳人。毕业于中国科学技术大学环境工程专业,工学博士。主要从事有机固体废物热解过程中污染物的热化学迁移转化研究,以废弃生物质为原料合成功能碳材料及其在环境、催化、能源储存方面的应用,固体废物热化学转化为可持续燃料化学品等方面的工作。在Environmental Science & Technology,Green Chemistry, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering等国际环境领域杂志上发表研究论文多篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21806137,污泥中重金属Cu和Pb在热解过程中的迁移转化规律及其原位催化机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,30.5万元,结题,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51708475,生物膜中纳米TiO2高亲和胞外蛋白的解析及结合机制,2018/01-2020/12,28.5万元,结题,参与。
3. 省自科青年项目,2018JJ3498,废电子塑料热解过程卤素阻燃剂的迁移转化机制解析,2017/06-2018/12,5.0万元,结题,主持。
4. 创新平台开放基金项目,18K029,场地Cu(II)/Ni(II)/Cd(II)富集植物可控制备生物炭及其催化降解氯酚性能研究,2018/09-20121/12,6.0万元,结题,主持。
1. Qin J. X., Tian, K., Qing T P., Zhong S Q., Jiang S F., Zhang J F., Ofloxacin degradation in peroxymonosulfate system by Co/Fe bimetal-doped carbon nitride with pyridine nitrogen regulation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2023, ISSN 0957-5820.
2. Chen H Z., Tian, K., Qing T P., Liu X Q., Mao J L., Qin J X., Jiang S F., Efficient removal of tetrabromobisphenol A through persulfate activation by α-MnO2 nanofiber coated with graphene oxide, Applied Surface Science, Volume 641,2023, 158445, ISSN 0169-4332.
3. Jiang H., Liu X., Zhang J F., Tian, K., Zhou K H., Mechanical compression assisted heat drying of space solid waste: Dewatering performance and volatile pollutants identification, Environmental Research, Volume 229, 2023, 115632, ISSN 0013-9351.
4. Zhong S Q., Pan J., Tian, K., Qin J X., Qing T P., Zhang J F., Efficient degradation of p-chlorophenol by N,S-codoped biochar activated perxymonosulfate, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 169, 2023, Pages 437-446, ISSN 0957-5820.
5. Du Z Y., Qin J X., Zhang K., Jia L W., Tian, K., Zhang J F., Xie H J., N-doped carbon nanosheets supported-single Fe atom for p-nitrophenol degradation via peroxymonosulfate activation, Applied Surface Science, Volume 591, 2022, 153124, ISSN 0169-4332,
6. Pan, J., Deng, H., Du, Z. Tian, K..Design of nitrogen-phosphorus-doped biochar and its lead adsorption performance. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 28984–28994 (2022).
7. Liu X, Tian, K., Chen Z, et al. Online TG-FTIR-MS analysis of the catalytic pyrolysis of polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride microplastics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 441: 129881.
8. Yang T, Liu X, Tian, K., et al. Efficient and recyclable degradation of organic dye pollutants by CeO2@ ZIF-8 nanozyme-based non-photocatalytic system. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 316: 120643.
9. Qin J, Liu X, Tian, K., et al. Amorphous CoxOy with nano-flake structure for activated persulfate degradation of p-nitrophenol. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 47: 102776.
10. Jiang S F, Wang L L, Tian, K., et al. Preparation of flower-like CuFe2O4 by a self-templating method for high-efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate to degrade carbamazepine. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(30): 11045-11055.
11. Pan J, Jiang H, Tian, K., et al. Transformation and kinetics of chlorine-containing products during pyrolysis of plastic wastes. Chemosphere, 2021, 284: 131348.
12. Xiao H, Liu N, Tian, K., et al. Accelerated effects of nano-ZnO on phosphorus removal by Chlorella vulgaris: Formation of zinc phosphate crystallites. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 635: 559-566.
13. 李宇,刘相,田科等.苯甲酸钠浓度对乙二醇-水溶液中3A21铝合金电化学行为的影响.表面技术,2023,52(02):282-288.
14. 蒋慧,刘相,田科等.空间固废热熔压缩稳定成型试验研究.载人航天,2023,29(03):317-323.
15. 陈磊,田科,曾力等.焦化脱硫废杂盐资源化新技术.化工进展,2023,42(01):480-487.
16. 李旋子,刘相,黄妍,田科等.空间固废热熔处理水气挥发特性研究.载人航天,2022,28(01):30-39.
17. 蒋慧,刘相,田科等.谷物类航天食品固废热解资源化利用及动力学研究.载人航天,2020,26(02):172-178.
18. 张非凡,张良长,刘力涛,田科等.基于双膜蒸馏的尿残液水分回收技术研究.载人航天,2023,29(03):301-308.
19. Tian, K.; Liu, W. J.; Qian, T. T.; Jiang, H.; Yu, H. Q., Investigation on the evolution of N-containing organic compounds during pyrolysis of sewage sludge. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 10888–10896.
20. Tian, K.; Liu, W. J.; Zhang, S.; Jiang, H., One-pot synthesis of a carbon supported bimetallic Cu-Ag NPs catalyst for robust catalytic hydroxylation of benzene to phenol by fast pyrolysis of biomass wastes. Green Chemistry 2016, doi:10.1039/c6gc01231k.
21.Tian, K.; Liu, W. J.; Jiang, H., Comparative investigation on photoreactivity and mechanism of biogenic and chemosythetic Ag/C3N4 composites under visible light irradiation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2015, 3, 269-276.
22.Tian, K.; Liu, W. J.; Zhang, S.; Zeng, R. J.; Jiang, H., Improving capacitance by introducing nitrogen species and defects into graphene. ChemElectroChem 2015, 2, 859-866.
23. Cheng, B. H.; Tian, K.; Zeng, R. J.; Jiang, H., Preparation of high performance supercapacitor materials by fast pyrolysis of corn gluten meal waste. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7SE00029D.
24. Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Ling, L. L.; Yu,; Jiang, H., Use of nutrient rich hydrophytes to create N, P-dually doped porous carbon with robust energy storage performance. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, 12421-12428.
25.Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; He, Y. R.; Jiang, H.; Yu, H. Q., High-yield harvest of nanofibers/mesoporous carbon composite by pyrolysis of waste biomass and its application for high durability electrochemical energy storage. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 13951–13959.
26.Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H.; Zhang, X. S.; Ding, H. S.; Yu, H. Q., Selectively improving the bio-oil quality by catalytic fast pyrolysis of heavy-metal-polluted biomass: take copper (Cu) as an example. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46, 7849–7856.
27.Liu, W. J.; Jiang, H.; Tian, K.; Ding, Y. W., Yu, H.Q., Mesoporous carbon stabilized MgO nanoparticles synthesized by pyrolysis of MgCl2 preloaded waste biomass for highly efficient CO2 capture. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 9397–9403.
28. Chen, Y. L.; Chen, J. J.; Chen, S. Q.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H., Ultra-high capacity and selectively immobilization of Pb through crystal growth of hydroxypyromorphite on amino-functionalized hydrochar. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015 3, 9843-9850.
29.Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H., One-pot synthesis of Ni–NiFe2O4/carbon nanofiber composites from biomass for selective hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds. Green Chemistry 2015, 17, 821–826.
30.Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H.; Yu, H. Q., Harvest of Cu NP anchored magnetic carbon materials from Fe/Cu preloaded biomass: their pyrolysis, characterization, and catalytic activity on aqueous reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Green Chemistry 2014, 16, 4198–4205.
31.Hu, J. Y.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H., Improvement of phenol photodegradation efficiency by a combined g-C3N4/Fe(III)/persulfate system. Chemosphere 2016,148, 34-48.
32.Zhang, X. S.; Tian, K.; Hu, J. Y.; Jiang, H., Significant enhancement of photoreactivity of graphitic carbon nitride catalysts under acidic conditions and the underlying H+-mediated mechanism. Chemosphere 2015, 141, 127-133.
33.Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H.; Yu, H. Q., Facile synthesis of highly efficient and recyclable magnetic solid acid from biomass waste. Scientific Reports 2013, 3, 1-7.
34.Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H.; Zhang, X. S.; Yang, G. X., Preparation of liquid chemical feedstocks by co-pyrolysis of electronic waste and biomass without formation of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins. Bioresourse Technology 2013, 128, 1-7.
35. Liu, W. J.; Tian, K.; Jiang, H.; Yu, H. Q., Lab-scale thermal analysis of electronic waste platics. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 310,217-225.
1. 江鸿,刘武军,田科;一种磁性固体酸及其制备方法,2015,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0226222.0。
2. 江鸿,刘武军,田科;一种介孔碳负载纳米氧化镁及其制备方法,2015,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0226052.6。