近年来,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、中央******项目管理中心预研项目、湖南省重点研发计划项目、湖南省教育厅重点项目、企业委托项目共计7项。项目聚焦农业、工业典型大宗固废高值化利用及其过程多介质节能降碳所涉及功能材料精准设计与性能强化机制研究。截止目前,在Coordination Chemistry Review,Science CHINA Chemistry等环境、化工与化学类期刊发表论文近50 余篇;申请发明专利10项,授权4项。现担任Chinese Chemical Letters(中科院一区)和Science for Energy and Environment等期刊青年编委及多种国际重要学术期刊的审稿人,并多次在国内外重要学术会议作邀请报告。
1. 基于多尺度孔结构耦合局域孔环境调控的新型吸附剂制备及其含氟化物吸附性能研究。
2. 选择性离子吸附多孔材料制备及其去离子化性能研究。
3. 吸附基纳米催化剂设计及其催化低品质物质高值转化与利用。
1. 合金相分离强化非均相电Fenton过程深度降解难降解有机物,青年科学基金项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,21707023,2018.01~2020.12,主持
2. 低温氧化/催化协同工艺脱除挥发性有机物的关键技术及应用示范,重点研发,湖南省科技厅,2018SK2034,2018.07~2021.06,主持 3. 基于应力效应Ag基催化剂设计及CO2电还原性能研究,重点项目,湖南省教育厅,21A0099,2021.09~2023.12,主持
1. Performance of resin adsorption and ozonation pretreatment in mitigating organic fouling of reverse osmosis membrane, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, 53, 103688
2. Novel catalysts with multivalence copper for organic pollutants removal from wastewater with excellent selectivity and stability in Fenton-like process under neutral pH conditions, Water Environment Research, 2022, 94, e10816.
3. Dyeing sludge carbons activated by alkali etching for outperformed 4-chlorophenol degradation in electro-Fenton process, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 49, 103103.
4. Nitrogen-doped carbons derived from cotton pulp for improved supercapacitors, RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 29246.
5. 焦化废水反渗透膜污染特性研究,yL23411永利官网登录学报(自然科学版),2022,44,73-81.
6. Structure−property correlation of hierarchically porous carbons for fluorocarbon adsorption, ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces, 2021, 13, 54266−54273.
7. 碳包覆合金/过氧化氢非均相 Fenton 体系高效矿化全氟辛酸,yL23411永利官网登录学报(自然科学版),2021,43,28-34.
8. Strain engineered gas consumption electroreduction reactions: Fundamentals and perspectives, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021, 429, 213649.
9. Continuous generation of lattice oxygen via redox engineering for boosting toluene degradation performances, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 34, 258–266.
10. Chemical synthesis of adipic acid from glucose and derivatives: Challenges for nanocatalyst design, ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering. 2020, 8, 18732−18754.
11. Tailoring electronic configurations in adsorptive sites for the enhancement of As(V) removal from groundwater, Water Supply, 2020, 20, 828–836.
12. Selective propylene epoxidation in liquid phase using highly dispersed Nb catalysts incorporated in mesoporous silicates, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26, 1278–1284.
13. Lattice expansion and electronic reconfiguration of MnCu oxide catalysts for enhanced transfer hydrogenation of levulinate, ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering, 2022, 10, 40, 13402–13414.
14. Strong metal-support interaction of palladium carbide in PtPd/C catalysts for enhanced catalytic transfer hydrogenolysis of glycerol, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2022, 163, 106507.
15. Catalytic transfer hydrogenolysis of glycerol over heterogeneous catalysts: A short review on mechanistic studies, The Chemical Record, 2021, 21, 1792-1810.
16. Structural sensitivity of heterogeneous catalysts for sustainable chemical synthesis of gluconic acid from glucose, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41, 1320-1336.
17. Recent advances on purification of lactic acid, The Chemical Records, 2020, 20, 1236-1256.
18. Non-noble metal catalysts for transfer hydrogenation of levulinic acid: The role of surface morphology and acid-base pairs, Materials Today Energy, 2020, 18, 100501.
19. Fe3+-Mediated Pt/Y zeolite catalysts display enhanced metal–bronsted acid interaction and synergistic cascade hydrogenolysis reactions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 39, 17387–17398.
20. Synergistic bimetallic Pd–Pt/TiO2 catalysts for hydrogenolysis of xylitol with in-situ-formed H2, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 31, 13879–13891.
1. 一种高度有序 PdAg 合金催化材料及其制备方法和在电催化还原二氧化碳中的应用,2023,CN 114717595 B
2. 一种氮改性介孔碳材料及其制备方法和作为电吸附脱盐电极材料的应用,2022,CN 111392712 B
3. 一种纳米金钯合金催化剂及其制备方法和应用,申请号:2022107107057
4. 一种铠甲催化剂及其制备方法和在催化多氟有机化合物氧化降解中的应用,申请号:202210439229X
5. 一种负载型双金属催化剂及其制备方法和应用,申请号:2022104487529
6. 一种烧结过程多特征点分段控制方法,申请号:202210831751.2
7. 一种铁矿石烧结过程多风箱协同控制方法,申请号:202210831786.6
8. 一种铁矿石烧结过程多特征点协同优化控制方法,申请号:202210831519.9