
来源:yL23411永利官网登录 发布时间:2024-01-02浏览次数:







谢承煜,男,汉族,广西贺州人,博士,硕士生导师,资源系主任,党支部书记。201512月毕业于中南大学,获采矿工程博士学位,主要从事矿山生态环境修复治理,安全风险管控与治理和岩土爆破工程及其灾害防治等方面的教学和科研工作。主持湖南省自然科学基金青年和面上项目,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目等课题8项;参与国家自然科学基金项目,国家科技支撑计划项目等课题10余项。在《Geoscience Frontiers》,《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》,《采矿与安全工程学报》等期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者(通讯作者)发表SCI收录论文24篇(ESI高被引论文4篇,热点论文2篇)、EICPCI收录论文10余篇,申请及授权国家发明专利,实用新型专利和计算机软件著作权30余项。担任EnergyFrontiers in Microbiology,煤炭科学技术等国内外学术期刊的审稿人,EnergiesSustainabilityMinerals等期刊客座编辑,兼任湖南省应急管理专家,湖南省人才研究会理事,中国有色金属学会采矿学术委员会委员,湘潭市安全生产与应急管理专家。获评yL23411永利官网登录优秀共产党员、优秀本科生班主任、工会先进个人等荣誉。曾指导研究生获国家奖学金、yL23411永利官网登录研究生董事长奖特等奖,指导本科生获全国高校专业类实践作品大赛一等奖3项、二等奖3项、三等奖11项。











1.Xie, C., Chen, Z., Xiong*, G. et al. Study on the evolutionary mechanisms driving deformation damage of dry tailing stack earth–rock dam under short-term extreme rainfall conditions. Nat Hazards (2023).

2.Xie Chengyu*; Lan Weihang; Chen Ziwei; Wu Yabin. Study on the infrared dynamic evolution characteristics of different joint inclination phyllite under uniaxial compression. Scientific Reports 2023, 13, 1 -16.

3.Ziwei Chen; Chengyu Xie*; Guanpeng Xiong; Jinbo Shen; Baolin Yang. Using the MorgensternPrice Method and Cloud Theory to Invert the Shear Strength Index of Tailings Dams and Reveal the Coupling Deformation and Failure Law under Extreme Rainfall. Sustainability 2023, 15, 6106 .

4.Chengyu Xie*; Guanpeng Xiong; Ziwei Chen. Using CFD to Simulate the Concentration of Polluting and Harmful Gases in the Roadway of Non-Metallic Mines Reveals Its Migration Law. Sustainability 2022, 14, 13349 .

5.Jie Cao; Cheng-Yu Xie*;; Zhi-Ru Hou. Spatiotemporal distribution patterns and risk characteristics of heavy metal pollutants in the soil of leadzinc mines. Environmental Sciences Europe 2022, 34, 1 -14.

6.Jie Cao; Chengyu Xie*;; Zhiru Hou. Ecological evaluation of heavy metal pollution in the soil of Pb-Zn mines. Ecotoxicology 2022, 31, 259 -270.

7.Chengyu Xie*; Jie Cao; Dongping Shi. A Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamic Numerical Optimization of the Risks of Stope Blasting Based on FOA-GRNN. Shock and Vibration 2021, 2021, 1 -14.

8.Chengyu Xie; Hoang Nguyen; Yosoon Choi; Danial Jahed Armaghani. Optimized functional linked neural network for predicting diaphragm wall deflection induced by braced excavations in clays. Geoscience Frontiers 2021, 13, 101313 .

9.Jie Cao; Cheng-Yu Xie*;; Zhi-Ru Hou. Transport patterns and numerical simulation of heavy metal pollutants in soils of lead-zinc ore mines. Journal of Mountain Science 2021, 18, 2345 -2356.

10.Chengyu Xie; Hoang Nguyen; Xuan-Nam Bui; Van-Thieu Nguyen; Jian Zhou. Predicting roof displacement of roadways in underground coal mines using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system optimized by various physics-based optimization algorithms. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2021, 13, 1452 -1465.

11.Chengyu Xie; Hoang Nguyen; Xuan-Nam Bui; Yosoon Choi; Jian Zhou; Thao Nguyen-Trang. Predicting rock size distribution in mine blasting using various novel soft computing models based on meta-heuristics and machine learning algorithms. Geoscience Frontiers 2020, 12, 101108 .

12.Chengyu Xie*; Jie Cao; Lei Chao; Yuhao Li. Study on Comprehensive Assessment of Water-Resource Safety Based on Improved TOPSIS Coupled with GA-BP. Journal of Coastal Research 2020, 105, 33 -35.

13.Chengyu Xie*; Lei Chao; Dongping Shi; Zhou Ni. Evaluation of Sustainable Use of Water Resources Based on Random Forest: A Case Study in the Lishui River Basin, Central China. Journal of Coastal Research 2020, 105, 134 -136.

14.Chengyu Xie; Yaguang Qin; Lei Chao; Dongping Shi. Applied research on the numerical simulation of Cu and Cd transport laws in a metal mining area. AIP Advances 2020, 10, 115006 .

15.Chengyu Xie*; Lei Chao; Yaguang Qin; Jie Cao; Yuhao Li. Using a stochastic forest prediction model to predict the hazardous gas concentration in a one-way roadway. AIP Advances 2020, 10, 115206 .

16.Chengyu Xie*; Nan Jia; Liwen He. Study on the Instability Mechanism and Grouting Reinforcement Repair of Large-Scale Underground Stopes. Advances in Civil Engineering 2020, 2020, 1 -10.

17.Ruichong Zhang; Chengyu Xie*;. Revealing Impact Characteristics of the Cassava Dust Explosion Process: Experimental and Numerical Research. Processes 2022, 10, 2419 .

18.Ruichong Zhang; Shiwei Wu; Chengyu Xie*;; Qingfa Chen. Risk Monitoring Level of Stope Slopes and Landslides in High-Altitude and Cold Mines. Sustainability 2022, 14, 7581 .

19.Ruichong Zhang; Shiwei Wu; Chengyu Xie*;; Qingfa Chen. Study on the Geological Condition Analysis and Grade Division of High Altitude and Cold Stope Slope. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12464 .

20.Yabin Wu; Jianhua Hu; Chengyu Xie*;; Dongping Shi. Case Study on the Stability Control of Broken Surrounding Rock in Roadway Excavation on the Edge of a Collapsed Stope Area. Advances in Civil Engineering 2021, 2021, 1 -14.

21.Dongping Shi; Chengyu Xie*;; Lichun Xiong. Changes in the Structures and Directions of Rock Excavation Research from 1999 to 2020: A Bibliometric Study. Advances in Civil Engineering 2021, 2021, 1 -8.

22.Dongping Shi; Chengyu Xie*;; Jinmiao Wang; Lichun Xiong. Changes in the Structures and Directions of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soil Remediation Research from 1999 to 2020: A Bibliometric & Scientometric Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18, 7358 .

23.Zhou-Quan Luo; Cheng-Yu Xie*;; Ji-Ming Zhou; Nan Jia; Xiao-Ming Liu; Hai Xu. Numerical analysis of stability for mined-out area in multi-field coupling. Journal of Central South University 2015, 22, 669 -675.

24.Zhou-Quan Luo; Cheng-Yu Xie*;; Nan Jia; Biao Yang; Gui-Hai Cheng. Safe roof thickness and span of stope under complex filling body. Journal of Central South University 2013, 20, 3641 -3647.


1.谢承煜,贾楠,鹿浩等. 一种复杂充填体条件下采场开采爆破参数综合优化方法[P]. 湖南省:CN111062113B,2023-08-25.

2.谢承煜,李玉豪,陶智杰等. 一种关于相似物理模型的岩层微扰动连续开挖方法[P]. 湖南省:CN111537299B,2023-05-02.

3.谢承煜,曹杰,巢磊等. 一种降低矿井爆破粉尘和有害气体浓度的布局结构及方法[P]. 湖南省:CN111023931B,2022-06-28.

4.谢承煜,巢磊,石东平等. 深孔爆破的方法[P]. 湖南省:CN110243245B,2022-04-01.

5.谢承煜,曹杰,巢磊等. 一种露天转地下开采塌陷区边坡土壤修复的方法[P]. 湖南省:CN111749254B,2021-11-16.





4.基于Cinema 4D的煤矸石自动化智能优选动态演示学习模型,第11届全国高校采矿工程专业员工实践作品大赛二等奖,教育部高校矿业类专业教学委员会,2022.07,指导老师。

