彭川,男,湖南怀化人,yL23411永利官网登录副教授、硕士生导师。2017年德国Fraunhofer UMSICHT联合培养博士,2019年于湖南大学获环境科学与工程工学博士学位,2019-2021于中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院从事博士后/助理研究员工作,主要从事有机固废资源化利用、热化学转化在生物质能源领域的应用,参与多项国家、省部级研究项目。在《Fuel》、《Energy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》、《Waste management》等国际著名SCI期刊上发表论文 20余篇。ESI高被引论文作者,单篇最高被引量282次。为 Energy、Environmental Science and Pollution Research 、Chemosphere 等多个国际学术期刊审稿人;申请发明专利 4 项。
横向课题: 污泥低温干化关键技术装备研发
[1] Chuan Peng, Yunbo Zhai, Yun Zhu, Bibo Xu, Tengfei Wang, Caiting Li, Guangming Zeng. Production of char from sewage sludge employing hydrothermal carbonization: Char properties, combustion behavior and thermal characteristics. Fuel, 2016, 176:110-118.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =7.4 高被引论文)
[2] Yunbo Zhai, Chuan Peng, Bibo Xu, Tengfei Wang, Caiting Li, Guangming Zeng, Yun Zhu. Hydrothermal carbonisation of sewage sludge for char production with different waste biomass: Effects of reaction temperature and energy recycling. Energy, 2017, 127:167-174.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =9)
[3] Chuan Peng, Yunbo Zhai, Yun Zhu, Tengfei Wang, Bibo Xu, Tao Wang, Caiting Li, Guangming Zeng. Investigation of the structure and reaction pathway of char obtained from sewage sludge with biomass wastes, using hydrothermal treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 166:114-123.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =11.1)
[4] Chuan Peng, Yunbo Zhai, Andreas Hornung, Caiting Li, Guangming Zeng, Yun Zhu. Promoting Effect of ZSM-5 Catalyst on Carbonization via Hydrothermal Conversion of Sewage Sludge. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018 6 (7), 9461-9469.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =8.4)
[5] Chuan Peng, Yunbo Zhai, Andreas Hornung, Bei Wang, Shanhong Li, Tengfei Wang, Caiting Li, Yun Zhu. In-depth comparison of morphology, microstructure, and pathway of char derived from sewage sludge and relevant model compounds. Waste management, 2020, 102:432-440.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =8.1)
[6] Chuan Peng, Wei Feng, Yanhui Zhang, Shifeng Guo, Zhile Yang, Xiangmin Liu, Tengfei Wang, Yunbo Zhai. Low temperature co-pyrolysis of food waste with PVC-derived char: Products distributions, char properties and mechanism of bio-oil upgrading. Energy, 2021: 119670.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =9)
[7] Chuan Peng, Zhaokun Zhou, Feng, Yanhui Zhang, Shifeng Guo, Zhile Yang, Xiangmin Liu, Yunbo Zhai. Feasibility and risk assessment of heavy metals from low-temperature magnetic pyrolysis of municipal solid waste on a pilot scale. Chemosphere, 2021:277.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =8.8)
[8] Qihong Feng, Junfeng Zhang, Chuan Peng*(通讯作者), zhuojian Cai. Synthesis of modified sludge biochar for flue gas denitration: Biochar properties, synergistic efficiency and mechanism. Waste Management,2023, 170:204-214.(SCI,JCR一区,Top期刊,2022 IF =8.1)
[1] 彭川;陈清朋;杨健;黄纲;杨立;用于污泥制肥的连续性脱水系统及其干燥装置,ZL 2021 2 2405444.1
[2] 冯伟;彭川;张艳辉;吴新宇;郭师峰;陈清朋;刘笑;一种污水处理方法以及系统,CN201911276205.1
[3] 冯伟;彭川;张艳辉;吴新宇;郭师峰;陈清朋;刘笑;生物质废物热催化重组方法以及系统,CN201911286361.6
[4]彭川; 王涛; 翟云波;夹带剂辅助下超临界CO2萃取钻井废弃物中油分的方法,CN201910010870