周蛰凯,男,湖南湘潭人,工学博士。2022年3月博士毕业于日本九州大学,博士期间获得国家留学基金委建设高水平研究生项目资助。随后在中南大学地质资源与地质工程流动站从事博士后科研工作,于2024年9月入职yL23411永利官网登录yL23411永利官网登录。主要从事华南地区锑金矿床成因与成矿作用、矿产资源调查、矿山生态修复等研究。在Ore Geology Reviews、Journal of Geochemical Exploration等国际权威期刊上以第一作者身份发表论文4篇,合著论文十余篇。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点研发计划项目、湖南省自然科学基金项目等科研项目。
Zhou Z. K., Li H., …. 2023. Geochronology and geochemistry of ore-hosted zircon reveal the genesis of typical Sb-(Au-W) deposits in South China, Ore geology reviews, 155, 105358.
Zhou Z.K., Li H., …. 2024. Genesis of gold mineralization in southwestern Hunan, South China: Evidence from ore-hosted zircon geochronology and geochemistry, Ore geology reviews, 175, 106340.
Li H., Zhou Z. K., …. 2019. Fluid-zircon interaction during low-temperature hydrothermal processes: Implications for the genesis of the Banxi antimony deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 114, 103137.
Zhou Z. K., Li H., …. 2023, In-situ trace elements and sulfur isotopic analyses of stibnite: Constraints on the genesis of Sb/Sb-polymetallic deposits in southern China, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 247: 107177.
Zhou, Z. K., …. 2022. Trace elements mineral chemistry of sulfides from the Woxi Au‐Sb‐W deposit, southern China. Resource Geology, 72(1), e12279.
Li H., Zhou Z. K., …. 2019. Geochronology and geochemistry of tuffaceous rocks from the Banxi Group: Implications for Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the southeastern Yangtze Block, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 177, pp. 152–176.